You are here: 9. Micronet Online Ordering > 9.1. Micronet B2B > 9.1.9. Quick Add > Load CSV File

Load CSV File

Follow this procedure to create a MOO order by loading a file in CSV format. The file you are importing items from should be a comma delimited file formatted as: Item Number, Quantity. For example:



  1. Display the Quick Add screen.

Refer to "Quick Add".

  1. Select the Load CSV button.

The Open screen is displayed.

  1. Find and select the file you want to import.
  2. Select the Open button.

MOO adds the items in the file to your shopping basket. Only incorrect items are displayed on the Quick Add screen.


Technical Tip

If there are more than 20 incorrect items, MOO continues to import the items but does not display the incorrect items on the screen.

To see the items you have loaded into the order, you can either view and/or edit the order (refer to "View Orders"), or proceed to the checkout (refer to "Checkout") as required.